Ms Boba's Quarterly Extravaganzas

The Quarterly(ish) Newsletter on Everything BobaVerse™

Published on January 3, 2024

Table of Contents

What are Quarterly Extravaganzas?

”Quarterly Extravaganza” is my quarterly(ish) newsletter where I update my (paid) $upporters on everything that’s going on with my projects. Currently, extravaganzas are delivered as PowerPoint presentations, with a hefty dose of accompanying small-text commentary that reflects how my ADHD brain thinks about these topics.

Tidy slides are the reflection of a tidy mind

Are there Ground Rules to these Extravaganzas?

I’m glad you asked! The goal of these extravaganzas is to create a space where people who support my work can not only be kept up to date, but receive this information in a way that’s authentic, transparent, and holds me accountable for the choices I make. While this is important to me, however, it’s also important that people on the other side understand it as a mutual exhange. Indeed, this relationship can only flourish in an environment where people respect who I am, understand the difficult constraints I work under, and trust that, while I will make mistakes along the way, I’m deeply committed to my stated ideals.

How do I get these Quarterly Extravaganzas?

To get them hot off the presses and straight to your inbox, you can become a $upporter on either my Patreon or this same website (or even Ko-fi). Eventually, each Extravaganza will also make it to the larger public on this blog. For a sample, you can read the first edition here.